Sunday, September 16, 2012

Top Five Scientists of the world

1) Albert Einstein
We all know him as the Scientist Ultimus who discovered the Theory of Relativity.His discovery of the Photoelectric effect and the discovery of the Brownian motion along with the quantum theory of a monoatomic gas propel him to the top of this list.
Einstein published over 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works.
His name is synonymous with the word genius.
His full name is Hans Albert Einstein and he was born into a Jewish family in Ulm in Germany on 14th March 1879.
His works on the nature of light are unparalleled and incomparable.
His personal life was as interesting as his professional as he married twice and his second wife was also his cousin.He was known to have a good ear for music.

2) Sir Isaac Newton
We all know him as the founder of the theory of Gravitation and the discovery of the Laws of motion. His work in Optics is also highly admirable.He enunciated the law of Conservation of Momentum and Angular Momentum.He also developed an empirical law of cooling and he was the first to observe that light could be split by a prism.He also studied the speed of sound.
In mathematics, also he developed Integral Calculus.He also contributed to the formation of power series.
Isaac Newton was born on 4 January 1643 in Lincolnshire in England.
He was the president of the Royal Society till his death.

3) Galileo Galilei
It is true that Galileo who is generally credited with the invention of the Telescope was not the one to invent it. But he was the first person to make full use of it as he observed the Jupiter's rings with it.(Read more about this here)

4) Thomas Alva Edison
The greatest inventor of all times with more than 1000 inventions to his name did not even get a Nobel prize.His inventions were not only useful to everyone but also so sturdy that they are being used with little modification even today.


The law of buoyancy and his discovery of the laws of Fluid Mechanics make him one of the greatest.

tips to stop body odour

Helpful Tips to Stop Body Odor

tips for stopping body odor
These are my most helpful tips to stop body odor. I suffered from bromhidrosis, or excessive body odor, for a while, and believe me, it is the WORST thing you may ever experience and some said it is forever if you have it….What??
I totally disagree about that because it depends on your lifestyle on how to manage it… i know that my words are not just as powerful as those who write well but but believe me guys! This helps you a lot to get rid of this. Ok
Tips to stop body odor #1 – Knowledge
Have knowledge about body odor and all things that about it…
When you wake up in the morning, think about something that will make you happy. Ok
When you think of happy memories your body temperature regulate to cool temperature. If you think something bad you are getting nervous; your body shakes and your temperature becomes high that will lead to excessive sweating.
Sweating is the normal body response to our daily activity.
There are two types of sweat glands:
1. Eccrine glands
2. Apocrine glands
Eccrines glands are sweats glands that found around the body. they produce sweat usually clear secretion composed of:
-Water plus some salt(Na = sodium chloride)
-Vitamin C
-Metabolic waste such as ammonia, urea, uric acid
-Lactic acid = chemical produces during heavy muscle activities.
Apocrine glands are sweat gland that usually found in axillary (underarm), and genital areas of the body. This galnd is usually larger than Eccrine gland and their ducts empty into hair follicle. The sweat is compose of:
-Fatty acids
-Protien and the sweat composition of eccrine glands.
This is usually or may have milky or yellowish color. The secretion of apocrine gland is ODORLESS, but when the bacteria in the surface of the skin use the proteins and fats as source of nutrients for their growth, it develops a musky unpleasant odor.
Apocrine glands begin to function in puberty age in both sexes but usually in males because of the influence of androgens (a male sex hormone) although both sexes have this hormone in male the level of androgen is high compared to female is low.
Tip #2 – Smell youself
Smell yourself from underarm to you genitals.
Because the bacteria usually accumulates in this part that causes body odor.
Tip #3 Take a bath
if you smells something unpleasant….
take a bath immediately to get rid of unpleasant odor….
When you take a bath get a clean towel or scrubber to scrub you body especially in your underarm and your groin and genitals…. wash this part with soap..
in buying soaps, buy a soap that has ingredients that stops and kill the bacteria usually labeled as skin germ protection soaps……
do not buy soap that has a high level of perfume and alcohol. do not use soups that has a moisturizing effect. because if you use this in your underarm the skin will not be dry.
Tips to stop body odor #4 – Deodorants
Use deodorants not only antiperspirant but also antibacterial…..
Do not use dedorants that are high in perfume because as you notice you smells like deodorant and meanwhile became foul.
Do not use deodorant that has a high level of alcohol if you dont want to have black underarm.. because to much dryness can cause skin cell to die and meanwhile become a bacteria that promotes body odor..
I know you became confuse let me elaborate…
Deodorants that has a antibacterial and antiperspirant effect will keep and stops the sweating activity in the underarm for 24 or 48 hours and the feeling is fresh because no bacteria is presence and also the food of the bacteria…
While deodorant with high level of perfume and alcohol can cause you underarm to irritate that will lead to allergic reactions.. and causes you underarm to have cuts because of to much dryness.. the cuts will cause foul smell because it is an open wound and the foul smell fuse to perfume unwanted pleasant occurs….. get it ok!!!!!
Tip #5 – Washing Clothes
Wash your clothes immediately!!!!
If you did not wash your clothes immediately the bacterial activity continues in your shirt and multiply continuosly…..especially to your wet in the sweat shirt…..
Technique for washing your shirt:
1. wash first
2. use a antibacterial washing powder…
3. soaked you clothes for 30 min to 1 hour
4. after 30 min to 1 hour.. wash your clothes with your hands by rubbing it vigorously.. or use a net to scrub it especially in the underarm area and you underwear……
5. then soak again in 30 min to 1 hour..
6. after 30 min to 1 hour wash again 3x
7. let it dry in under the sun..
8. iron you clothes, take not especially in the underarm area… if you iron it the bacteria will die in heat.. but after ironing and you smell unpleasant odor you did not wash your clothes neatly…
Always remember…
do not use fabric conditioner because the underarm natural odor will fuse and unpleasant odor occurred…
If your using washing machine always scrub the underarm area of you shirt….
Do not wash your clothes if the sun is not their especially in rainy days because the insect will nest in wet area of you clothes especially mosquitos, and the insect is dirty and full of bacteria that will transfer to your clothes.
Tips to stop body odor #6 – Diet
Do not eat to much fatty foods, meats, oily foods……
Remember this..Oils, fats after eating will be eliminates in the body in the process of sweating and urinating so beware or minimizing eating it
Do not eat preservative can goods. Instead eat quaker oats to eliminate fats through bowel movement.
Eat green leafy vegestables, fruits and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and to neutralize liquid in the body…..
Tip #7 – Do not borrow others clothes
Do not borrow others clothes because body oder is transferable… if they have body and you borrow their clothes and wore it their is a high possibility that you can have body odor…and do not allow anybody to borrow your clothes also…
Tip #8 – Change
Always change you clothes if you sweat excessively….to prevent bacterial action to spread in your body through wet shirt..
and always wear dry clothes….
Tip #9 Again Take a bath.
Again after daily activities before going to sleep take bath to stop the spreading of bacteria in you bed cloth…. and use new clothes and apply deodorant in your underarm..
Tip #10 – Sleep early
If you sleep early your body cells and tissues will repair when you sleep.. the early you sleep at night the longer you body will repair it self inside and outside…
hope this tips will help you to your daily activities struggling and fight body odor and stop it from coming back…

*hey-2 u..after read this..let's raise your armpit and smell it,,haha.
...so0, how do you feel?

Monday, September 10, 2012

happy eid 2_0_1_2

hei..da lame ta menjenguk blog aku ni..

so, untuk ke sekian kalinya sejak tahun 2010..

saya akan post mengenai raya!!
raya tahun ini 2012!!

pagi raya haritu..kak ngah je tak ada sekali sebab dia balik rumah mentua nya..ta meriah sudahh.. ;(

kak ngah yang rapat dgn saya..dah la sekepala gile jugak..
sekarang dia da pregnant..mmg tak boleh jd mcm gila-gila remaja lah..

olait!nak menjamu mata tgk lah gambar-2 kami yang comel-2 belaka...

KONONN nye..~~haha.
ini raya pertama kami :)
theme kitorang MERAH !!!

si hadif ..buat muka org tua pulak.. (: 
anak buah saya yang tumbum!

time ini kat rumah mak cik saya.

dia hidang kan gula-2 siap berhias lagi.. 

raya ke 2 kami duduk rumah saja..sebab adik-beradk abah  dan emak akan datang!

okk..ini.gamba kami raya ke 3..
time ini kami pergi bersama kak ngah! kak long pulak tak ada sebab ikut husbnd nye blik perlis..hadif pun tak ada :'( 
dua-2 makcik dan fmily dorang ikut join konvey beraya di parit baru..
hoho..kitorg beraya kat situ je dah 13 buah rumahh..
haa..tgk sikit perut kitorg masa tu, mmg terbaik lah boroi nye..

emak, kezen dan abg ku yang agak sibuk menyelit..hukhuk

kak ngah dan abah (:

hari raya yang berikutnyaa...

malam ini makcik buat bbq la..seronok sgt
ramai sedara mara yg turun
tolong membakar
dan saya pun tolong lah
tolong makan..itu je yang saya mampu .. hewhew! :D

ouhh..tak nmpk sgt lah rumah opah wan cik saya.
                                                                     1st time dtg rumah dia..abah pun jarang dtg beraya,sampai
                    sesat  nak cari rumah dia..

raimah n syura!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

abg azmi kawen dahh =)

hari sabtu..19 mac 2011  :)
wedding day abg azmii n kak alfisyah..
huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..pagi pagi dah kne bgun lahh..
mak pulak dah koling koling dr rumah wak,,suruh fast fast..!!
haduyyaii..kak biha dah ketok keto pintu sruh copat copat.. grrr
hilang mood aq nk nyanyi..heeeeeee

ehh..otw nk g rumah wak tuh..ingat plak bday aima :)
tergopoh gopoh la txt ngn dye......tu pon minx 6ber kat myra
koz tade plak no si aima tuh
hehe..tenx yaww adeq kuwhh ^^y

hadduii..agak malu malu lah jgk memakai bju yg agkcolourful tuh.
huhuu..mcm knk knk ceria jehh ;P
ohh wooh..hehe,biar aq mention kat korg..bju baru tuh :)
hehehehe..tak taw la npe aq pilih bju tu ekk??

tu abg azmi :)

teka ni apee?? pon ta taw lah..telur ape ntah ='=

mkn beradab ok
bkn biadab..hhuhu :)

setiap inci n sudut ku snap blik pengatin nih..hhaha!
mcm ngok ngekk jeh

ni kezen sye..

ni kezen malu2 lorh

kak long  :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

HANG hang outt! :)

tanggal 10 mac 2011.. saia pergi ke bank with my prenz
  • una
  • raimah
  • kelly_da
  • nadhirah
pergi sana cadang nk kluar pitis.. hee
tp tamoo lar.wit bkn byk pon ... :(
act,,nk beli no id tok msuk maktab la..haha!rsa rsa ade bakat tak jdik ckgu??
hrap harap dapat laa..
aduss!bape ari je lg nk ambek rzult..huissh~~
otw nk blek.,,terserempak lak ngn kfc...haha!
apo lagi mamam lahh ;) tak brpe syiok sgt lah..klaw ramai ramai lg bezz..
da lame ta lepaxx sme sme..hmm
masing masing ada keje..
ceyhh!mcm dah bekerjaya jerr  ..


slurppiee ~

ni reymah <3 haha..makan tuh ta baca doa pon  :P

mem primary skol..kelly n nadhirah..huhu
dudok jauh ker...mcm date plak  dorang  :P
me n una <3
hihihi..gilak people

una n raimah yg....?

tengokk je orait??

popo je lah :)
jadik lahh di sini..........

ouh ouh! zzzzzz

Thursday, March 10, 2011

aq suke suke,,ko ta suke? get lost! :P

haishh! mengong lol etenet ni..lembab mcm sipot yg sempot  ;$
bayangkan betapa lembab nye..hehe :)
but,, its sokeyy la. saya seorang yg penyabar ..haha,,tak percaya ?
lantak kaww..

eh..hampir lupe ='= hehe
nk share benda yg saya suke tuh..huhuk,,baca novel :)
minat sementara la kot..huhu,,memandangkan saya ni sorang pengangGur (lepasan spm )
novel yg thriller,,layan la.. (=
yang romantika or cinta cintun ni..haha,,kurang la..
sebab..hmm,,geli ! haha.
boleh pakai ke alasan camtuh :P

huhu..dok rumah cari pahala tolong mak.. :)
bukan mcm org laen cari kerja..ceyyh
haa!saya  sudah baca 6 buah novel saja..
waa..bngge x! hok3

actually..baru 5 la kot,yg lagu satu tu..syg la nk abes kan..
the last juror 
hehe,,ta mo abes cepat..haha!suke m'hayati
baca slow slow jer..kalau bule nk m'eja setiap patah perkataan .

this novel is belong to my sis,,
kak long... :)
thanks yongg